Due to their varying material structure, mattresses are difficult to shred and/or recycle. Which is why they are often simply thrown away rather than being put to any further profitable use.
Our powerful shredding solutions are specifically designed for this challenging task.

Find the right shredder

The range of material structures and the steel content of sprung mattresses in particular constitute a major challenge when shredding mattresses. However, recycling the individual components is actually a lucrative business, not only because of the steel content we already mentioned, but also because shredded foams and covers make excellent alternative fuels further down the line.
Failing this, most mattresses end up with bulky waste and are permanently (and expensively) disposed of in landfills. Thus, tonnes of precious raw materials are wasted instead of being recycled in the appropriate processing plants.

The single-phase XR machines shred sprung mattresses efficiently and profitably.
Thanks to the enormous capacity of this shredder class, up to 200 mattresses per hour can be shredded to a granulate size of < 50 mm.
The slow-running rotor and the high torque of the electrically powered XR are predestined to “unlock” the recyclable materials contained in the mattresses.
The cutting system was optimised to ensure that the mattresses cannot wrap themselves around the rotor. A downstream magnetic separator removes the metal parts from the granulate.
Because of their purity, they may then be sold on for a profit, for instance to scrap merchants.
The separated final products make an excellent, highly calorific fuel for cement works or thermal power plants.