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  • rat, sed diam voluptua.

We got to know the brand UNTHA due to recommendations. We are sure to have taken the right decision. As a consequence, we can definitely recommend the XR 3000C. It has revolutionized our recycling output of waste material by up to 70 %, which we would habe never been able to accomplish with another partner or shredding solution.

Paul Losbichler

André Rabeus

CEO, Otto-Rüdiger Schulze

Schaufler Logo

Video of the project

We got to know the brand UNTHA due to recommendations. We are sure to have taken the right decision. As a consequence, we can definitely recommend the XR 3000C. It has revolutionized our recycling output of waste material by up to 70 %, which we would habe never been able to accomplish with another partner or shredding solution.

Paul Losbichler

André Rabeus

CEO, Otto-Rüdiger Schulze

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Video of the project

The shredder is really easy to use and the maintenance handling is described very well. At UNTHA, the staff always makes time for us, provides information and the spare parts are available quickly.

Paul Losbichler

Ing. Niki Stipits

Managing Director, Stipits Entsorgung GmbH

Schaufler Logo

The advantages are the energy efficiency, easy maintenance access regarding the shredder as well as the seldom downtimes. Therefore, we can recommend the entire UNTHA package.

Paul Losbichler

Clemens Gritsch

Operations manager, Ragg GmbH

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Video of the project

WEEE - Challenges

WEEE / Electronic Waste

Specialities and hurdles

What exactly are the characteristics of electronic waste?

For the efficient shredding of electronic waste in your recycling plant, we offer you individual solutions and a perfect match for your recycling system. The size of the granulate is adjusted so that metals and non-metals can be separated and recycled in the best possible way.

Over 40 million tons of electrical and electronic scrap are generated worldwide every year - and the trend is growing rapidly! Recycling electronic devices is not only worthwhile for environmental reasons. This scrap usually contains many precious metals that are recovered in the recycling process. In order to ensure a high yield in recovery, only a small amount of fines should be produced during the shredding.

The product XR 3000 has surprised us in so many ways. One of them was the energy efficiency, but especially the wearout. These facts were decisive for us in the decision-making process for the certain company and the specific product. Thus, we are looking into a bright future together. The partnership with UNTHA is very important to us, whereby we have made another big order for additional shredders for our production system. We can totally recommend the company!

Paul Losbichler

DI Dr. Paul Losbichler

CEO of Schaufler Metals

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